State Lemon Law  Kansas

Kansas Lemon Law Lawyers and Attorneys

Does your newly purchased vehicle give you nothing except for issues and costly repair bills? If so, it’s possible that you’ve been sold a lemon. There is some good news, however, because you might qualify for what’s called Lemon Law protection within the Kansas state legislature.

Does Kansas Have a Lemon Law?

Not a lot of people know that most states here in the US have statutes written for Lemon Law protections.  The intent with which they were created was to protect the US consumer from buying a car that will prove to be unsafe or poorly manufactured.  If you might be driving a lemon, begin by looking into Lemon Laws in Kansas to see if what’s happening in your situation could be applicable under law for you to pursue a case.

What is Lemon Law in Kansas?

Kansas Statutes Annotated 50-645

50-645 Motor vehicle warranties.

Definitions; consumer rights and remedies.

(a)As used in this act:
(1) “Consumer” means the original purchaser or lessee, other than for purposes of resale, of a motor vehicle; and
(2) “motor vehicle” means a new motor vehicle which is sold or leased in this state, and which is registered for a gross weight of 12,000 pounds or less, and does not include the customized parts of motor vehicles which have been added or modified by second stage manufacturers, first stage converters or second stage converters as defined in K.S.A. 8-2401, and amendments thereto.

(b) If a motor vehicle does not conform to all applicable warranties, and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, its agent or its authorized dealer during the term of any warranties or during the period of one year following the date of original delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is the earlier date, the manufacturer, its agent or its authorized dealer shall make such repairs as are necessary to conform the vehicle to such warranties, notwithstanding the fact that such repairs are made after the expiration of any such term or such one-year period.

(c) If the manufacturer, or its agents or authorized dealers, are unable to conform the motor vehicle to any applicable warranty after a reasonable number of attempts, the manufacturer shall replace the motor vehicle with a comparable motor vehicle under warranty or accept return of the vehicle from the consumer and refund to the consumer the full purchase or lease price including all collateral charges, less a reasonable allowance for the consumer’s use of the vehicle as calculated from the most recent edition of Your Driving Costs, published by the American automobile association. Refunds shall be made to the consumer, and lien holder if any, as their interests may appear. A reasonable allowance for use shall be that amount directly attributable to use by the consumer and any previous consumer prior to the first report of the nonconformity to the manufacturer, agent or dealer and during any subsequent period when the vehicle is not out of service by reason of repair. It shall be an affirmative defense to any claim under this act that:
(1) An alleged nonconformity does not substantially impair such use and value; or
(2) a nonconformity is the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modifications or alterations of a motor vehicle by a consumer.

(d) If the manufacturer receives actual notice of the nonconformity, it shall be presumed that a reasonable number of attempts have been undertaken to conform a motor vehicle to the applicable warranties, if:
(1) The same nonconformity which substantially impairs the use and value of the motor vehicle to the consumer has been subject to repair four or more times by the manufacturer or its agents or authorized dealers within the term of any warranty or during the period of one year following the date of original delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is the earlier date, but such nonconformity continues to exist;
(2) the vehicle is out of service by reason of repair for a cumulative total of 30 or more calendar days during such term or period, whichever is the earlier date; or
(3) there have been 10 or more attempts to repair any nonconformities which substantially impair the use and value of the motor vehicle to the consumer and such attempts to repair have been attempts by the manufacturer or its agents or authorized dealers.

The term of any warranty, such one-year period and such thirty-day period shall be extended by any period of time during which repair services are not available to the consumer because of war, invasion, strike, fire, flood or other natural disaster.

(e) If a manufacturer has established an informal dispute settlement procedure which complies in all respects with the provisions of title 16, code of federal regulations, part 703, as from time to time amended, the provisions of subsection (c) concerning refunds or replacement shall not apply to any consumer who has not first resorted to such procedure.

(f)The attorney general shall have jurisdiction to enforce this section.

When does a vehicle qualify as a Lemon in Kansas?

If you really want to know if your car is technically considered a lemon, you need to check into it through your Kansas state Lemon Law statutes, which might be unique.  Our fantastic team of experienced Lemon Law attorneys can help you get started on your information gathering process; give us a call at (888)353-0456.  We have years of experience representing the auto manufacturing companies, which means we know what they are looking for and how to help you prepare to win. Feel free to also fill out the short information page on our website and we’ll reach out in the manner you request to help you find out if you have a case.  Our legal experts will not just help you step by step with all steps you need to take, but they will also expound upon Lemon Law so that you are knowledgeable and understandable about what’s happening in your case.

Is a used car covered under Kansas Lemon Law?

Lemon Law is often only applied when someone has purchased a new vehicle.  However, if you did buy a used car and there’s a currently active warranty that came with it, it’s possible that you could have a Lemon Law case.  Be sure to find the most up to date Lemon Law information as it can be altered over time.

When do I need an Kansas based Lemon Law Attorney?

It’s best to call an experienced Lemon Law lawyer as soon as you think you may have a case.  You may be aware that, in general, most people are not equipped with the tools and needed knowledge to self-represent during a case like this.  What you need is support and guidance as needed by one of our capable attorneys.  If you’re not sure if you’ll be hiring an attorney right away or what your next step would be, that’s fine, you can give us a call and we’ll help discuss everything with you.

How do Lemon Law Attorneys in Kansas protect my rights?

When you have a confident Lemon Law attorney assisting your case, there’s no need to stress or worry about staying well informed and well represented during any process and court filings that will apply in your case.  This is why a Lemon Law attorney is so crucial, as they’ll ensure you know what rights you have and that you get what you need and are entitled to.  Our legal team is ready to take a stand on your side against these big automobile manufacturing companies that will surely have teams of expert attorneys at their disposal.

During any steps and proceedings taken until your case is resolved, we’ll help you understand everything that will take place.  Our incredible team of attorneys is happy to help you whenever you give us a call to start your case in Kansas.  There are many strategies that our lawyers are aware of and could use to help your case.  We’ll also give you a courtesy consultation.  If it’s discovered that your vehicle is not technically a lemon, we can still give you some clarification.

How long do Lemon Law cases in Kansas typically take to get resolved?

There’s no set date we can provide you as to when your case will be completely solved.  Nonetheless, we’ll discuss with you what you can expect during your free consultation and we’ll outline a possible timeline.

Our legal team is proud of the excellent service we offer and the highly regarded reputation we’ve garnered for communication with clients and for expediting the case whenever it turns out to be possible.  Note that, on average, a Lemon Law case can last for several months.

How much will an Kansas Lemon Attorney cost to hire?

You may have learned that the car manufacturer is responsible for any costs and fees related to your processes and procedures, if it’s a true lemon.   This means that if your case is not won, you still don’t have to pay us a dime.

What are some of the areas that that Lemon Law Lawyers in Kansas cover?

Read below for a list of only some of the geographical areas within Kansas that we are pleased to serve.

  • Wichita
  • Topeka
  • Overland Park
  • Lawrence
  • Kansas City
  • Manhattan
  • Olathe
  • Shawnee
  • Lenexa
  • Hutchison
  • Salina
  • Leavenworth
  • Dodge City
  • Leawood
  • Garden City
  • Derby
  • Junction City
  • Prairie Village
  • Arkansas City
  • Great Bend
  • McPherson
  • Pittsburg
  • Newton
  • Liberal
  • Hays
  • Gardner
  • Merriam
  • Mission
  • Atchison
  • Chanute
  • Augusta
  • Independence
  • Bel Aire
  • Roland Park
  • Bonner Springs
  • Park City

Don’t waste any more time or expenses on a vehicle that isn’t worth it.  Just call our office today and get any questions you have about Lemon Law in Kansas answered.  Remember that our team of attorneys is trained and experienced to help you upgrade from your lemon to a much more preferable option.

Explore Your Rights With Our Expert Team or Contact Us Now At (888) 415-0610