Maine Lemon Law Lawyers and Attorneys

There’s nothing more inconvenient than car trouble. If you have recently purchased a new vehicle, you shouldn’t be dealing with frequent break downs or faulty components. If you do find yourself needing your brand-new vehicle repaired, you may be entitled to protection under your state Lemon Law.

Does Maine Have a Lemon Law?

Each state has a Lemon Law in place that clearly defines what qualifies as a lemon in order to protect new car buyers from purchasing unsafe and poor condition vehicles. The best way to find out what the laws are in Maine is by doing a simple Google search.

What is Lemon Law in Maine?

Maine Revised Statutes




As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings. [1983, c. 145, (NEW).]

1Consumer.  “Consumer” means the purchaser, other than for purposes of resale, or the lessee, of a motor vehicle, any person to whom the motor vehicle is transferred during the duration of an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle and any other person entitled by the terms of the warranty to enforce the obligations of the warranty, except that the term “consumer” shall not include any governmental entity, or any business or commercial enterprise which registers 3 or more motor vehicles.

[ 1987, c. 359, §1 (AMD) .]

2Manufacturer.  “Manufacturer” means manufacturer, importer, distributor or anyone who is named as the warrantor on an express written warranty on a motor vehicle.

[ 1983, c. 145, (NEW) .]

3Motor vehicle.  “Motor vehicle” means any motor driven vehicle, designed for the conveyance of passengers or property on the public highways that is sold or leased in this State, except that the term “motor vehicle” does not include any vehicle used primarily for commercial purposes with a gross vehicle weight of 8,500 pounds or more.

[ 2003, c. 337, §2 (AMD) .]

4Reasonable allowance for use.  “Reasonable allowance for use” means an amount that can not exceed the lesser of 1/3 of that amount allowed per mile by the United States Internal Revenue Service as provided by regulation, revenue procedure or revenue ruling promulgated under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Title 26, Section 162 for the use of a personal vehicle for business purposes based upon the mileage reported for that motor vehicle on the application for state-certified arbitration accepted by the State plus all mileage directly attributable to use by a consumer beyond 20,000 miles or 10% of the purchase price of the vehicle.

[ 2003, c. 337, §3 (AMD) .]

5State-certified arbitration.  “State-certified arbitration” means the informal dispute settlement procedure administered by the Department of the Attorney General which arbitrates consumer complaints dealing with new motor vehicles that may be so defective as to qualify for equitable relief under the Maine lemon laws.

[ 1989, c. 570, §1 (NEW) .]


1983, c. 145, (NEW).  1985, c. 220, §1 (AMD).  1987, c. 359, §§1,2 (AMD).  1989, c. 570, §1 (AMD).  1999, c. 212, §1 (AMD).  2003, c. 337, §§2,3 (AMD).  2003, c. 337, §3 (AMD).


This chapter may be known and cited as “the Maine Lemon Law.” [2003, c. 337, §4 (NEW).]


2003, c. 337, §4 (NEW).


1Consumer rights.  Nothing in this chapter in any way limits the rights or remedies which are otherwise available to a consumer under any other law.

[ 1983, c. 145, (NEW) .]

2Manufacturers, distributors, agents and dealers.  Nothing in this chapter in any way limits the rights or remedies of franchisees under chapter 204 or other applicable law.

[ 1983, c. 145, (NEW) .]

3Waivers void.  Any agreement entered into by a consumer which waives, limits or disclaims the rights set forth in this chapter shall be void as contrary to public policy.

[ 1985, c. 220, §2 (NEW) .]


1983, c. 145, (NEW).  1985, c. 220, §2 (AMD).


1Repair of nonconformities.  If a motor vehicle does not conform to all express warranties, the manufacturer, its agent or authorized dealer shall make those repairs necessary to conform the vehicle to the express warranties if the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, its agent or authorized dealer during the term of the express warranties, within a period of 3 years following the date of original delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer or during the first 18,000 miles of operation of that motor vehicle, whichever occurs earliest. This obligation exists notwithstanding the fact that the repairs are made after the expiration of the appropriate time period.

A. [1989, c. 570, §2 (RP).]

B. [1989, c. 570, §2 (RP).]

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD) .]

2Failure to make effective repair.  If the manufacturer or its agents or authorized dealers are unable to conform the motor vehicle to any applicable express warranty by repairing or correcting any defect or condition, or combination of defects or conditions that substantially impairs the use, safety or value of the motor vehicle after a reasonable number of attempts, the manufacturer shall either replace the motor vehicle with a comparable motor vehicle or accept return of the vehicle from the consumer and make a refund to the consumer and lienholder, if any, as their interests may appear. The consumer may reject any offered replacement and receive instead a refund. The refund must consist of the following items, less a reasonable allowance for use of the vehicle:

A. The full purchase price or, if a leased vehicle, the lease payments made to date, including any paid finance charges on the purchased or leased vehicle; [1991, c. 64, (AMD).]

B. All collateral charges, including, but not limited to, sales tax, registration fees and similar government charges; and [2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD).]

C. Reasonable costs incurred by the consumer for towing and storage of the vehicle and for procuring alternative transportation while the vehicle could not be driven because it did not conform to any applicable express warranty. [1999, c. 212, §2 (AMD).]

The provisions of this section do not affect the obligations of a consumer under a loan or sales contract or the secured interest of any secured party. The secured party shall consent to the replacement of the security interest with a corresponding security interest on a replacement motor vehicle that is accepted by the consumer in exchange for the motor vehicle, if the replacement motor vehicle is comparable in value to the original motor vehicle. If, for any reason, the security interest in the motor vehicle having a defect or condition is not able to be replaced with a corresponding security interest on a motor vehicle accepted by the consumer, the consumer is entitled to a refund. Refunds required under this section must be made to the consumer and the secured party, if any, as their interests exist at the time the refund is to be made. Similarly, refunds to a lessor and lessee must be made as their interests exist at the time the refund is to be made.

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD) .]

3Reasonable number of attempts; presumption.  There is a presumption that a reasonable number of attempts have been undertaken to conform a motor vehicle to the applicable express warranties if:

A. The same nonconformity has been subject to a repair attempt 3 or more times by the manufacturer or its agents or authorized dealers within the express warranty term, during the period of 3 years following the date of original delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer or during the first 18,000 miles of operation of that motor vehicle, whichever occurs earliest, and the nonconformity continues to exist; [2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD).]

A-1. [1989, c. 570, §3 (RP).]

A-2. The same nonconformity has resulted in a serious failure of either the braking or steering systems in the vehicle and has been subject to a repair attempt one or more times by the manufacturer or its agents or authorized dealers during the warranty term or the appropriate time period, whichever occurs earlier; or [2003, c. 337, §5 (NEW).]

B. The vehicle is out of service by reason of a repair attempt by the manufacturer, its agents or authorized dealer, of any defect or condition or combination of defects for a cumulative total of 15 or more business days during that warranty term or the appropriate time period, whichever occurs earlier. [2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD).]

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD) .]

3-AFinal opportunity to repair.  If the manufacturer or its agents have been unable to make the repairs necessary to conform the vehicle to the express warranties, the consumer shall notify, in writing, the manufacturer or the authorized dealer of the consumer’s desire for a refund or replacement. This notice can be given after one repair attempt if the nonconformity has resulted in a serious failure of either the braking or steering systems in the vehicle. For the 7 business days following receipt by the dealer or the manufacturer of this notice, the manufacturer has a final opportunity to correct or repair any nonconformities. This final repair effort must be at a repair facility that is reasonably accessible to the consumer. This repair effort does not stay the time period within which the manufacturer must provide an arbitration hearing pursuant to section 1165.

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD) .]

4Time limit; extension.  The term of an express warranty, the 18,000 mileage term, the 3-year period following delivery and the 15-day period provided in subsection 3, paragraph B, must be extended by any period of time during which repair services are not available to the consumer because of a war, invasion or strike or fire, flood or other natural disaster.

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD) .]

5Dealer liability.  Nothing in this chapter may be construed as imposing any liability on a dealer or creating a cause of action by a consumer against a dealer under this section, except regarding any written express warranties made by the dealer apart from the manufacturer’s own warranties.

[ 1983, c. 145, (NEW) .]

6Disclosure of notice requirement.  No consumer may be required to notify the manufacturer of a claim under this section, unless the manufacturer has clearly and conspicuously disclosed to the consumer, in the warranty or owner’s manual, that written notification of the nonconformity is required before the consumer may be eligible for a refund or replacement of the vehicle. The manufacturer shall include with the warranty or owner’s manual the name and address to which the consumer shall send the written notification.

[ 1987, c. 395, §6 (AMD) .]

6-ANotification of dealer.  Consumers may also satisfy a manufacturer’s notice requirement by notifying in writing the authorized dealer of a claim under this section. The dealer shall act as the manufacturer’s agent and immediately communicate to the manufacturer the consumer’s claim.

[ 1987, c. 359, §7 (NEW) .]

7Disclosure at time of resale for failure to make effective repair.  A motor vehicle that is returned to the manufacturer under subsection 2 may not be resold without clear and conspicuous written disclosure to any subsequent purchaser, whether that purchaser is a consumer or a dealer, of the following information:

A. That the motor vehicle was returned to the manufacturer under this chapter; [1985, c. 220, §3 (NEW).]

B. That the motor vehicle did not conform to the manufacturer’s express warranties; and [1985, c. 220, §3 (NEW).]

C. The ways in which the motor vehicle did not conform to the manufacturer’s express warranties. [1985, c. 220, §3 (NEW).]

The certificate of title of a vehicle subject to the disclosure requirements of this subsection is subject to the branding requirements of Title 29-A, section 670.

[ 2007, c. 383, §1 (AMD) .]

8Disclosure at time of retail sale under settlement agreement.  A motor vehicle that is surrendered to a manufacturer as a result of a settlement of a state-certified arbitration must, at the time that motor vehicle is first offered for retail sale to the public, be affixed with a clear and conspicuous written disclosure stating that the vehicle was the subject of a Maine Lemon Law settlement agreement.

[ 2003, c. 337, §5 (NEW) .]


1983, c. 145, (NEW).  1985, c. 220, §3 (AMD).  1987, c. 359, §§3-7 (AMD).  1989, c. 570, §§2,3 (AMD).  1991, c. 64, (AMD).  1999, c. 212, §2 (AMD).  2003, c. 337, §5 (AMD).  2007, c. 383, §1 (AMD).


It is an affirmative defense to any claim under this chapter that: [1983, c. 145, (NEW).]

1Lack of impairment.  An alleged nonconformity does not substantially impair the use, safety or value of the motor vehicle; or

[ 1985, c. 220, §4 (AMD) .]

2Abuse.  A nonconformity is the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modifications or alterations of a motor vehicle by anyone other than the manufacturer, its agents or authorized dealers since delivery to the consumer.

[ 1983, c. 145, (NEW) .]


1983, c. 145, (NEW).  1985, c. 220, §4 (AMD).


If a manufacturer has established an informal dispute settlement procedure which complies in all respects with the provisions of 16 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 703, as from time to time amended, the provisions of section 1163, subsection 2, concerning refunds or replacement shall not apply to any consumer who has not first resorted to that procedure or to state-certified arbitration. This requirement shall be satisfied 40 days after notification to the informal dispute settlement procedure of the dispute or when the procedure’s duties under 16 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 703.5 (d), are completed, whichever occurs sooner. [1989, c. 570, §4 (AMD).]


1983, c. 145, (NEW).  1985, c. 220, §5 (AMD).  1989, c. 570, §4 (AMD).


A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be considered prima facie evidence of an unfair or deceptive trade practice under Title 5, chapter 10. [1985, c. 220, §6 (NEW).]


1985, c. 220, §6 (NEW).


In the case of a consumer’s successful action to enforce any liability under this chapter, a court may award reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with the action. [1985, c. 220, §7 (NEW).]


1985, c. 220, §7 (NEW).


For the purposes of this chapter only, the following apply to leases of new motor vehicles. [1987, c. 359, §8 (NEW).]

1Warranties.  If express warranties are regularly furnished to purchasers of substantially the same kind of motor vehicles:

A. Those warranties are deemed to apply to the leased motor vehicles; and [2003, c. 337, §6 (AMD).]

B. The consumer lessee is deemed to be the first purchaser of the motor vehicle for the purpose of any warranty provisions limiting warranty benefits to the original purchaser. [2003, c. 337, §6 (AMD).]

[ 2003, c. 337, §6 (AMD) .]

2Lessee’s rights.  The lessee of a motor vehicle has the same rights under this chapter against the manufacturer and any person making express warranties that the lessee would have under this chapter if the vehicle had been purchased by the lessee. The manufacturer and any person making express warranties have the same duties and obligations under this chapter with respect to the vehicle that the manufacturer and other person would have under this chapter if the goods had been sold to the lessee.

[ 1987, c. 359, §8 (NEW) .]

3Termination of lease and obligations.  The lessee’s lease agreement with the motor vehicle lessor and all contractual obligations terminate upon a decision that the vehicle does not conform to the vehicle’s express warranty and the return of the vehicle to the lessor. The lessee may not be liable to the manufacturer or motor vehicle lessor for any further costs or charges under the lease agreement. The motor vehicle lessor shall release the motor vehicle title to the manufacturer upon payment by the manufacturer under this chapter.

[ 1999, c. 212, §3 (NEW) .]


1987, c. 359, §8 (NEW).  1999, c. 212, §3 (AMD).  2003, c. 337, §6 (AMD).


1Neutral motor vehicle arbitration.  All manufacturers shall submit to state-certified motor vehicle arbitration if arbitration is requested by the consumer within 3 years from the date of original delivery to the consumer of a motor vehicle or within the term of the express warranties, whichever comes first, and the State has accepted the application as making proper Maine Lemon Law claims. State-certified arbitration must be performed by one or more neutral arbitrators selected by the Department of the Attorney General operating in accordance with the rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. The Attorney General may contract with an independent entity to provide arbitration or the Attorney General’s office may appoint neutral arbitrators. Each party to an arbitration is entitled to one rejection of a proposed arbitrator.

[ 2003, c. 337, §7 (AMD) .]

2Written findings.  Each arbitration results in a written finding of whether the motor vehicle in dispute meets the standards set forth by this chapter for vehicles that are required to be replaced or refunded. This finding must be issued within 45 days of receipt by the Department of the Attorney General of a properly completed written request by a consumer for state-certified arbitration under this section. All findings of fact issuing from a state-certified arbitration must be taken as admissible evidence of whether the standards set forth in this chapter for vehicles required to be refunded or replaced have been met in any subsequent action brought by either party ensuing from the matter considered in the arbitration. The finding reporting date may be extended by 5 days if the arbitrator seeks an independent evaluation of the motor vehicle. In addition to the other remedies provided by this chapter, the arbitrator may award a consumer whose motor vehicle is required to be replaced or refunded reasonable witness fees for a professional motor vehicle mechanic or engineer who prepared a notarized report on the condition of the vehicle or who testified at the arbitration hearing on behalf of the consumer.

[ 1999, c. 212, §4 (AMD) .]

3Administered by Attorney General.  The Department of the Attorney General shall promulgate rules governing the proceedings of state-certified arbitration which shall promote fairness and efficiency. These rules shall include, but are not limited to, a requirement of the personal objectivity of each arbitrator in the results of the dispute that that arbitrator will hear, and the protection of the right of each party to present its case and to be in attendance during any presentation made by the other party.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

4Consumer arbitration relief.  If a motor vehicle is found by state-certified arbitration to have met the standards set forth in section 1163, subsection 2, for vehicles required to be replaced or refunded, and if the manufacturer of the motor vehicle is found to have failed to provide the refund or replacement as required, the manufacturer shall, within 21 days from the receipt of a finding, deliver the refund or replacement, including the costs and collateral charges set forth in section 1163, subsection 2, or appeal the finding in Superior Court. For good cause, a manufacturer may seek from the Department of the Attorney General an extension of the time within which it must deliver to the consumer a replacement vehicle.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

5Appeal of arbitration decision.  An appeal by a manufacturer or the consumer of the arbitrator’s findings may not be heard unless the petition for appeal is filed with the Superior Court of the county in which the sale occurred, within 21 days of issuance of the finding of the state-certified arbitration. The appeal must be a trial de novo. The arbitrator and the Department of the Attorney General may not be parties in any such appeal and may not be called as witnesses. The Department of the Attorney General may submit an amicus curiae brief.

In the event that any state-certified arbitration resulting in an award of a refund or replacement is upheld by the court, recovery by the consumer may include continuing damages up to the amount of $25 per day for each day subsequent to the day the motor vehicle was returned to the manufacturer, pursuant to section 1163, that the vehicle was out of use as a direct result of any nonconformity not issuing from owner negligence, accident, vandalism or any attempt to repair or substantially modify the vehicle by a person other than the manufacturer, its agent or authorized dealer, provided that the manufacturer did not make a comparable vehicle available to the consumer free of charge.

In addition to any other recovery, any prevailing consumer must be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. If the court finds that the manufacturer did not have any reasonable basis for its appeal or that the appeal was frivolous, the court shall double the amount of the total award to the consumer.

[ 1999, c. 212, §4 (AMD) .]

6Consumer’s rights if arbitrator denies relief.  The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to limit or restrict in any way the rights or remedies provided to consumers under this chapter or any other state law. In addition, if any consumer is dissatisfied with any finding of state-certified arbitration, the consumer shall have the right to apply to the manufacturer’s informal dispute settlement procedure, if the consumer has not already done so, or may appeal that finding to the Superior Court of the county in which the sale occurred, within 21 days of the decision.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

7Disclosure of consumer lemon law rights.  A clear and conspicuous disclosure of the rights of the consumer under this chapter shall be provided by the manufacturer to the consumer along with ownership manual materials. The form and manner of these notices shall be prescribed by rule of the Department of the Attorney General. The notice disclosures shall not include window stickers.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

8Manufacturer’s failure to abide by arbitrator’s decision.  The failure of a manufacturer either to abide by the decision of state-certified arbitration or to file a timely appeal shall entitle any prevailing consumer who has brought an action to enforce this chapter to an award of no less than 2 times the actual award, unless the manufacturer can prove that the failure was beyond the manufacturer’s control or can show it was the result of a written agreement with the consumer.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

9Consumer request for information.  Upon request from the consumer, the manufacturer or dealer shall provide a copy of all repair records for the consumer’s motor vehicle and all reports relating to that motor vehicle, including reports by the dealer or manufacturer concerning inspection, diagnosis or test-drives of that vehicle and any technical reports, bulletins or notices issued by the manufacturer regarding the specific make and model of the consumer’s new motor vehicle as it pertains to any material, feature, component or the performance of the motor vehicle.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

10Penalties.  It shall be prima facie evidence of an unfair trade practice under Title 5, chapter 10, for a manufacturer, within 21 days of receipt of any finding in favor of the consumer in state-certified arbitration, to fail to appeal the finding and not deliver a refund or replacement vehicle or not receive from the Department of the Attorney General an extension of time for delivery of the replacement vehicle.

[ 1989, c. 570, §5 (NEW) .]

11Arbitration and mediation account.  To defray the costs incurred by the Department of the Attorney General in resolving consumer new and used motor vehicle disputes through the lemon law arbitration program and, for vehicles that do not qualify for arbitration, the consumer mediation service, the following fees are imposed.

A. A $1 lemon law arbitration program fee must be collected by the authorized new car dealer from the purchaser as part of each new motor vehicle sale agreement. [1993, c. 415, Pt. K, §2 (NEW).]

B. A $1 consumer mediation service fee must be collected by the used car dealer from the purchaser as part of each used motor vehicle sale agreement. [1993, c. 415, Pt. K, §2 (NEW).]

The Secretary of State shall adopt rules to implement this subsection. The rules must provide that the fees imposed by this subsection must be forwarded annually by the dealer or its successor to the Secretary of State and deposited in the General Fund. At the end of each fiscal year, the Department of the Attorney General shall prepare a report listing the money generated by these fees during the fiscal year and the expenses incurred in administering its consumer dispute resolution programs.

When does a vehicle qualify as a Lemon in Maine?

Googling the Lemon Laws in Maine will allow you to read what qualifies as a lemon in your state. Every state has different criteria and your vehicle may not qualify in some states, where it may in others. If you have questions about your state’s law or aren’t sure if you qualify for protection, contact us today. We have the experience you need since we have worked in legal situations to represent the auto manufacturing companies. Consult with us today and you are sure to get the best possible representation for your Lemon Law case.

We have an entire team of experienced Lemon Law attorneys who will be able to help you determine if you have a viable Lemon Law case. You can reach us by phone at (888)353-0456 or leave us your information on our contact info page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is a used car covered under Maine Lemon Law?

Unfortunately, used cars do not have as much protection under state Lemon Laws. Most state Lemon Laws specifically apply to new vehicles. Some states however, do provide protection for used vehicles if they were purchased with a valid extended warranty. You might be entitled to compensation if you have a warranty that has not expired yet. Lemon Laws are ever changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on current laws in your state.

When do I need an Maine based Lemon Law Attorney?

You should reach out to our team as soon as possible so we can begin working on your case. Our Maine based Lemon Law attorneys know the best course of action for these types of cases and have the experience you can trust. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by confusing legal jargon, let our attorneys help you.

How do Lemon Law Attorneys in Maine protect my rights?

Our Lemon Law lawyers will work with you to help you understand exactly what your rights are under Main Lemon Law. We will represent you fairly and work to get you recourse. Since we have handled many cases in the past, we know how to help you access your rights and what steps to take to receive a resolution in your favor.

Our lawyers know current Maine Lemon Law and how it pertains to your case. If your vehicle qualifies as a Lemon under the state law we can address your case from the best legal standpoint. If you don’t qualify, we may be able to help you find alternative options.

How long do Lemon Law cases in Maine typically take to get resolved?

Most Lemon Law cases take a two to three months period to resolve. When we sit down with you to outline your case, we can give you an estimated timeline. You won’t have to worry about your case moving along as we will keep you informed with each step and regularly check in with you. We do our best to move our cases along as quickly as possible.

How much will an Maine Lemon Attorney cost to hire?

ContentThe good news is, hiring a Lemon Law attorney won’t cost you anything. Vehicle manufacturing companies are held responsible for legal fees in viable Lemon Law cases. Additionally, if for some reason we don’t win your case, you won’t owe us anything.

What are some of the areas that that Lemon Law Lawyers in Maine cover?

Contact our team today to find a qualified Lemon Law attorney near you. We have professionals all over Maine ready to help you. We serve clients in the following cities as well as many others:

  • Portland
  • Lewiston
  • Bangor
  • South Portland
  • Auburn
  • Biddeford
  • Sanford
  • Saco
  • Augusta
  • Westbrook
  • Waterville
  • Presque Isle
  • Brewer
  • Bath
  • Caribou
  • Old Town
  • Ellsworth
  • Rockland
  • Belfast
  • Gardiner
  • Calais
  • Hallowell
  • Eastport

Let us help you with your Lemon Law case today. Contact our team so we can get started on helping you get the recourse you deserve.

Explore Your Rights With Our Expert Team or Contact Us Now At (888) 415-0610